
The Wilderness at Night

Ning Que couldn't be bothered with the bustle on the Wilderness. Instead, he brought Cat Girl with him back to camp. He lifted the curtains and entered the tent. He looked at the luggage piled in the corner before turning to look at Mo Shanshan who was writing calligraphy seriously. He asked, "Didn't I tie the black horse outside the camp? How did it get away?"

Mo Shanshan placed her brush on the inkstone and looked at him expressionlessly, "You tied him up since he returned at dawn. I was left alone in the tent after all of you have left. It kept whining and kicking and looked as if he wanted to go out to play. So I released the rope and let it out to have fun."

Ning Que looked at her and did not know what to say. He scratched his head and said, "You let him out because he wanted to go out to play. Why does this sound wrong? It is a horse and not a person."