
Slightly Venting by a Thorn Stick

Just as Quni Madi asked about it, everyone became quiet after his remark. Not everyone believed what Ning Que said, but none of them dared to doubt him. People believed in him not because he had a noble and holy reputation, but because he ranked thirteenth in the Back Mountain of the Academy and had a teacher named the Headmaster of Academy.

To the people of the world, West-Hill Divine Palace naturally was the most sacred and holiest place. While the Academy in the southern suburbs of the Tang capital Chang'an was the noblest place. The reason why the Tang Empire had invincible cavalries in the world, smooth domestic politics, and harmonious people was that the majority of the imperial court and all county magistrates had the Academy education background. The Academy alone was already a noble majestic place, let alone the Second floor of the Academy.