
Predecessor's Sword Style, Junior's Addiction

Mo Shanshan was still immersed in the shock of seeing the Great Blockage Formation, so she didn't notice what Ning Que did. Looking at the stones that were scattered everywhere in the valley, she frowned and said, "Although it has been destroyed, the remaining power is still strong, I can't figure out just how strong it is on earth in such a short time. Do you still insist on going inside?"

Ning Que aimed to enter the Front Gate to look for the Tomes of Arcane, especially now that he sensed that familiar strong breath that was far away and was pretty sure he knew whom the aura belonged to, so he naturally wouldn't give up. Ning Que turned to look at her and asked, "Do we still have a chance to retreat?"

Mo shanshan looked at the surrounding stones, did some calculation for a while, and then she nodded and answered, "We just entered this big tactical array, so there is a chance to go back. If we go further, we can never return. I don't know what danger lurks ahead."