
Join the Devil (Part VIII)

"There is only absolute silence, no sounds at all. No ants crawling by, no leaves rustling. Nothing at all. Your ears eventually become very sensitive because you desire so much to hear any sound. You can even hear the bodies around you rotting. You hear how the bloated bellies of the corpses explode and they sound like a thunder!"

The old monk's shrill voice reverberated in the quiet room like a never ending roar of thunder.

"All the bodies in the room have rotted, or dried out and these sounds have stopped. The sounds that have previously made you nauseated have become the most wonderful things in your memory. Do you know this feeling?"

"In the end, you can even hear your blood flowing in your veins, your muscles losing its water content. You can hear your stomach drying out and sticking to your intestines. You hear them tearing. It's really interesting, isn't it? If you listen for a long time, you'd definitely want to vomit. But the problem is, you can't."