
Join the Devil (XI)

Before she raised her head, Ye Hongyu looked at Ning Que with an emotionless gaze.

Ning Que was holding on to his long podao and waving it along to the sword marks on the bluestone ceiling and walls. His expression was one of stunned confusion. His strokes were stiff and clumsy and he looked like a confused idiot.

Ye Hongyu looked at him. He had been grievously injured by Divine Lord Lotus and should be lying on the ground limpidly. However, he was waving his sword around. She did not know what had happened to him but could guess that he had encountered an opportunity and was in an important process of enlightenment.

A small opening appeared in the situation that had seemed to be a dead-end with Ning Que's encounter with this opportunity. She knew that Divine Lord Lotus would not give Ning Que any opportunities but she must grab hold of this last chance.

She started to cry out loud.