
Blazing eyes

Sangsang didn't think this poem was great, in fact, she thought it even worse than the one she wrote before for Ning Que to read when killing people. Besides, she remembered that this monk had threatened her and Ning Que at the outside of the Academy, therefore, she turned around and shut the door close.

Wudao stopped the closing gate with his hand. He looked at Sangsang. The craziness and excitement on his face could not be more obvious, and said in excitement, "To make sure that you can travel around the world and enjoy the beautiful scenery with me, I promise that I will kill your master as soon as possible."

Sangsang turned around and looked at his face seriously when hearing what he said.

Seeing her serious look, Wudao was even more obsessed with her. He reached his hand out involuntarily to touch her face.