
Who Should Be The One to Leave?

The regret on her slightly tanned face was obvious. It was evident that Sangsang had thought she would be victorious once she found the book. She would have been able to win plenty of taels of silver from her young master's pudgy Senior Brother. The slight blush on her face was because the books Ning Que had brought back from the Academy's cave were a bit unsightly...

Chen Pipi was an intelligent person. He could tell what the little handmaiden was thinking based on her expression. The disdain made him shame. Angrily he said, "Find another way!"

Sangsang looked at him with wide eyes. She thought that he was rather interesting. His soles had only left the ground no more than two inches, but he landed forcefully. She was actually worried that the new urn she'd bought might be shattered by the shock.