
We Might as Well Not Fight or Meet

She was the Flower Addict, the most beautiful of the three Addicts. When she heard the terrible news, she did not hesitate to change into a pair of regular robes and rode on her white horse to the Wilderness. She did not rest for thousands of miles and her face was caked with ice and dirt. She looked extremely haggard, and compared to her usual attractive appearances, she was indeed ugly.

Prince Long Qing did not turn around to look at her face. His gaze moved from the sunlight in the east to the dark night in the north. He could smell the faint stench from her and his heart twinged. He knew that his fiance was a stickler for cleanliness and could imagine how difficult her travels were as she sweated even in the freezing winter.

He was suddenly annoyed due to the emotional pain and physical weariness. He lowered his head and looked at the ugly wound and said indifferently, "I had a dream once."