
Pigeon Soup (I)

Mrs. Zeng could not shake off the odd feeling for the entire night.

She was no longer the first to laugh or the one to laugh the loudest when the Empress made a joke. She did not join in either when the prime minister's wife gossiped about what happened in Chang'an. Instead, she stared at the dark and skinny little handmaiden beside Princess Lee Yu in a daze.

Her odd behavior had gathered some attention, especially from the ladies who had noticed that she was staring at the Princess. They all thought that it was rather odd. She did not emerge from her reverie even when the royal secretary's wife called her many times, and she had to gently nudge her to get her attention.

The royal secretary's wife lowered her voice and asked in concern, "Why are you so out of it today?"

Mrs. Zeng smiled painfully and did not explain because she could not explain it. She did not understand why the little handmaiden felt so familiar and why her heart was twinging in pain.