
The Person Entering the Human Realm (I)

There were only two friends little handmaiden Sangsang could get along with in Chang'an. The first was the Princess of Tang, Lee Yu, and the other was Mistress Jian's maidservant, Xiaocao.

The difference in status between the Princess of Tang and the maidservant of a brothel was like night and day. But Sangsang treated the both of them the same. She spoke with them blandly and was silent most of the time, preferring to listen instead.

Xiaocao hit the railings twice and looked at Sangsang, who was beside her. She asked curiously, "I heard that the Calligraphy Addict is one of the three Addicts in the world. I suppose she must be very famous. Is she beautiful?"

Sangsang nodded.

Xiaocao said furiously, "Men are indeed fickle."

Sangsang looked at her puzzledly.

Xiaocao said even more angrily, "I'm talking about that young master of yours."

Sangsang grew even more confused.