
I Don't Like It

Ning Que had never beaten Sangsang since she turned four.

He had never won in the numerous fights with Sangsang since that day. For example, at this time, Sangsang had only used a sentence to resolve all the bitterness in Ning Que's words and turned it into a bolt of lightning that struck him, making his body stiff and his heart resentful.

What has it to do with me? What has it to do with me? Why can't I poke my nose into your business? Ning Que got angrier the more he thought about it. He shook in anger just like Mr. Wu next door. He rolled up his sleeves and searched the study in the Scholar's Mansion agitatedly like a cat on a hot tin roof.

He wanted to find a wooden stick, and return to the beautiful life that he had led before Sangsang turned four. However, there wasn't any wooden stick in the study, and their lives could never return to the one that had led before she turned four.