
Visiting Relatives, Returning to the City and the Girl on the Bench

Ning Que brought Sangsang to many places in the first rain of the 15th year of Tianqi era. The first place they went to was naturally the Grand Secretary's Mansion. After all, the Grand Secretary and his wife were Sangsang's birth parents. And from what had happened recently, he could see that their feelings for her were real.

Ning Que felt nervous for some reason as he stood in the study, much unlike the strong image he presented the day before. Perhaps he knew that even if he did not need their agreement, he was naturally of a lower status to them. In fact, he was of a much lower status.

The Zengs knew of Ning Que's identity and would naturally not treat him as an ordinary person. Furthermore, they knew that the relationship between him and their daughter was not that of a simple master-servant relationship. That was why they treated him with respect, vigilance, unease and watched him intensely.