
Vegetable Washing and Load Carrying

Under the red light of the torch, mottled blood on the footprints was like a dot of ink. Looking at the spot, Ning Que's face became a little pale, and he discovered that he was directly shaken back to the original place by the inhibition at the entrance of the cave.

His left shoe had already been smashed into something like cotton wool. He stretched out his hand and tore it off. Struggling to sit up and looking at the entrance of the cave, which had been shrouded in the night, he could not help feeling scared.

Previously, he slammed into the wall at the entrance of the cave. At the moment that he was reaching the obstacle, the dense and even viscous Qi of Heaven and Earth seemed to sense something and suddenly rose violently and became an ocean of ​​terror, which directly swept both his awareness and body away!