
Three Books (Part I)

Yu Lian was the first school fellow that Ning Que knew from the back of the mountain of the Academy. Back then, she was a female professor of the Academy, while he was just an ordinary student who ascended the old library every day, fainting and vomiting blood repeatedly.

In those memorable days, she and Ning Que sat beside the east window and the west window, respectively. One would copy regular script and the other would ponder over books. They seldom talked, except for the occasional greeting with a nod.

Later in the Sword Woods, they had a short conversation. And before Ning Que had left the Academy and gone into the Wilderness, she gave him a gift. Then, they had no further communication.

Logically, they should have been in harmony because they had spent the spring and summer together in the old library, appreciating the newly bloomed flowers and the chirping of the cicadas. However, he actually had no idea how to communicate with his Third Sister.