
New Green Life on the Old Cliff

From when the darkness covered the cliffs until the morning light shined into the cave, Ning Que had been looking at the original cuts on the cave walls for the entire night. Like a blind person, he carefully touched those cuts until his hand became a little bit red and even started to peel, but he still could not find any secret left by Youngest Uncle.

After meditating, diligently reading books, and forcibly suppressing the anxiety in his heart and pretending to be calm for ten days, he was exhausted. Especially after a fruitless night, all the negative things in his mind suddenly broke out.

His uncombed black hair ran over his shoulders and his face was full of fatigue. Looking at the two books on his knees, Ning Que muttered something that no one could hear clearly because his voice was dry and weak.

Sangsang walked into the cave with a pot of clear water and glanced at him worriedly.