
The Men Who Are Not Easily Fooled

Ning Que looked at Sangsang who was cooking in the backyard when he heard that. After a moment of silence, he shook his head and said, "To be honest, I still think that this situation is ludicrous. I have watched her grow up, and I know that she is special. But I did not expect her to be so special to have the West-Hill Divine Palace come to us."

Cheng Lixue said, "Even if Junior Sister Sangsang was the most ordinary person on earth, she became extraordinary from the moment Haotian chose her through the God of Light. As for us, we will definitely work in accordance with Haotian's will and will definitely bring her back to the Divine Hall."

"I do not like to hear words like 'definitely' or this kind of tone."

Ning Que looked at the teacup in his hands and said after a moment, "This makes me feel as if you guys are threatening me. And I will think that you are trying to steal her away from me."