
The Black Peach Flower Beside the Boat

It was common to have emotions when facing the sea, but only a few people would have emotions when facing the salted fish. However, thinking about what had happened to him in the past year, even Long Qing couldn't help but sigh before the basket of salted fish.

Yet, he was very clear that any emotion that was similar to his feeling now was too superfluous to him. He would again feel the unbearable pain and desperation which he tried very hard to overcome, so he decided to leave the fishing port silently.

Suddenly, he stopped and slowly turned back. His delicate leather shoes slipped on the wet sticky ground slowly.

On the sea, shone upon brightly by morning sunlight, there was a small boat which rose and fell with the waves. Long Qing still had much better eyesight than ordinary people. He saw a Taoist in indigo on the boat.