
Who Was More Shameless and Better at Bragging?

Ning Que was quite satisfied with his performance. His words made Xu Shi sunk in his own thoughts, too distracted to keep questioning him. But he was surprised to see that his words didn't change Xu Shi's mind of finding a person to fight with him.

When seeing that Wang Jinglue take out a challenge certificate issued by the Imperial Center Administration, he knew that a fight was unavoidable. It was really lame, Ning Que thought to himself.

And if Xu Shi had decided to beat him down with a powerhouse from the army, why did he still talk so much with him?

Was Xu Shi really thinking that he could make him regret his crime and confess just by talking with him? That thought was also lame.

But lame or not, Wang Jinglue was still standing here. His determined eyes and mild face all showed that he wanted a fight.