
Purchasing the Lake

Ning Que was the most inconspicuous person in the back of the mountain, but he was the most famous one as Mr. Thirteen among the folk.

His legend was spreading in the frontier fortress and the story about the fight at the side door of the Academy had pleased the people in Chang'an for a long time. People in the attic of the Stone House might not know about who was Mr. First or Mr. Second, but they definitely knew Mr. Thirteen was the owner of Old Brush Pen Shop, honored as Sir Ning.

After Chu Youxian's words, people in the building kept quiet for a while, and then they began to cheer and shout excitedly.

The royal buyer from the South Jin Kingdom held the handrail tightly and his face turned pale with rage. He stared at Chu Youxian ferociously and shouted at him. "Who the hell are you?"