
Shall We Go to Worship Buddha?

Ning Que did not ask about the Tomes of the Arcane— since the "Ming" Handscroll was in the Academy all this time, the Headmaster could read it as he wished. He was talking about the other Handscrolls. Many years ago, Lotus was invited to the Zhishou Abbey and he was only allowed to read two of them. Ning Que doubted that there was anyone in the world who had a chance to read all seven of them.

Therefore, upon hearing this, he was so shocked. He murmured in his heart. "Teacher, even if you are the greatest man in the world since the relationship between the Academy and the Zhishou Abbey is so bad, how was it possible that the Taoist priests could lend you the seven Tomes of the Arcane?"

The Headmaster knew what he was thinking about, so he said, "I like reading, of course, I was particularly eager to read the Tomes of the Arcane. I would never stop reading just because the taoist priests did not allow it."