
You Can Be White If You Want To Be

Besides being a little shocked when hearing Master Qishan asking Sangsang to join him in Buddhism, Ning Que didn't have much of a reaction. However, in his heart, he was disturbed.

Let Sangsang cultivate in Buddhism? When she recovered, she would need to stay in the temple for the rest of her life to recite mantras and be a vegetarian? Even though Sangsang's hair was yellow, drooping, and wasn't much to rave about, it wouldn't suit her to shave it all off, would it?

Ning Que naturally had these thoughts. Then he thought of what Second Brother once said about Buddhism. The more he thought, the more he found problems with this proposition made by Master Qishan.

Taoism and Buddhism loved to suppress one's rationality with fear. They then promised a beautiful future to lure one's stupidity and make people follow their words without any suspicion.