
The Chime of a Bell

"There are many in the world who have joined the Devil. Do you think that this would bring me, the president of Commandment Yard out of the Xuankong temple? There is only one reason that could make this happen."

Master Boshu sternly looked at Ning Que as he shouted, "I want to see if you are really the Son of Yama! You are bloody, cruel and have joined the Devil. If you are indeed the Son of Yama, not even the Headmaster can protect you!"

Staring into the eyes of the high monk which were as bright as precious stones, Ning Que remained in silence for a long time.

He had announced his parentage to the world last autumn in front of the Chang'an palace. Even before that, a rumored had surfaced when the Tang military checked on his relationship with the General's Mansion.

According to the rumors, the Great Divine Priest of Light had seen that Ning Que was the legendary Son of Yama. Quni Madi had mentioned this earlier as well.