
The Fastest Sword and the Slowest Person

A sword came flying from the skies toward the Lanke Temple.

There were clouds above Tile mountain. The sword tore through the clouds, bringing with it trailing wisps of clouds and plunged into the ground.

The sword was very fast. It was so fast one could barely make it out, only catching a glimpse of a passing glimmer of light. However, it could not hide its innate power, so everyone knew that it was a sword.

The Lanke Temple was enshrouded by rain. The sword traversed through the rain while ignoring everyone in the courtyard, not even Qi Nian. It did not pause because of the quickly approaching cloud of dust. It flew toward the black horse carriage.

The terrifying intent of the Two-Horizontal Talisman lingered before the black horse carriage. The sword ignored it as well, as if it were extremely familiar with Yan Se's Talisman Taoism. It crossed the lines easily, piercing Sangsang who sat inside the horse carriage.