
Black Crows and the Priest in Red

Earlier on the bridge, Ning Que's podao had met the iron staff in the ascetic monks' hands. There was a loud crash before the staff was thrown into the air. Then, Ning Que killed the man with his blade.

In the monastery, Ning Que's podao and the staff that had torn through air met. However, there was only a light click that sounded like the burning of a calligraphy brush by the flames of an oil lamp.

This was because the person who wielded the staff had a higher cultivation state than the ascetic monk at the end of the bridge. The metal staff was infused with the Qi of Heaven and Earth and was extremely fast and stable. Compared to that, Ning Que's way of waving his blade was also sharper. When the two met, the metal staff was not thrown into the air but was cut right in the middle!