
As the Strings Broke and Sound Arose, Here I Am

From several simple sentences, Ning Que confirmed two important facts: the monk with an enigmatic state was the Chief Preaching Monk of the Xuankong Temple, and the monk was going to kill both Sangsang and him.

Faced with such a serious situation, he had no time to think about the strength gap between himself and the Chief Preaching Monk. He even had not thought at all before he acted with what was left of his courage and determination.

As the Great Spirit in him spurted out, his right foot made a stone pit on the hard ground. In a flash, he appeared before the chief monk like a ghost. He raised the podao high above his head, with the blazing Haotian Divine Light, and cut at the top of the monk's head, as if he was going to burn all the clouds in the sky above his head.

The podao, hard and heavy, mercilessly cut down to the bamboo hat on the chief monk's head, causing a loud clunking noise. It was like cutting down an ancient bell which echoed melodiously!