
The Eldest Brother And The Younger Brother

Time passed slowly, but because it was so quiet, it seemed as if it had not passed at all. The clear light on the white tower was slowly changing, the willow branches on the lake seemed to have pulled out new buds, and there was still no one talking in the fields.

Looking at Chief Preaching Monk, Ning Que's right hand which was holding the hilt, trembled slightly. It was not because of fear, nor accumulating combative atmosphere, but he was waiting for his answer anxiously. If the Chief Preaching Monk agreed with the Headmaster, the Buddhism Sect would stop to kill Sangsang, and even would be responsible for protecting Sangsang's safety.

After countless days and nights of escape, he finally saw a gleam of light. His mood was somewhat restless but full of confidence because he believed that the Headmaster's inference was correct. In his heart, the Headmaster was always right and had never made mistakes.