
Nearing Shubi Lake

The part of the Wilderness where Golden Palace was located had a relatively good climate, enough water and fertile lands. There were many cattle and sheep, which had lived and grown in population over thousands of years. The area had become densely populated, forming more than 20 major tribes. The Palace was a strong nation and had elite cavalry composed of nearly 100,000 men.

Apart from the Tang Empire, there was no other country that was a match for Golden Palace. And because the Tang Empire had forced Golden Palace to stay in the Wilderness for centuries, countries in the Central Plains gradually forgot about it. That was why South Jin Kingdom dared to say that it was the second most powerful country in the world.

Not even Tang Empire was willing to go to war against the Golden Palace. Tang princess, Li Yu had married off to the Wilderness to avoid the chaos caused by Imperial Astronomer's oracle and also to prove the importance of Golden Palace to the Tangs.