
Sending Arrows with a Song

As for the West-Hill Divine Palace coalition army, the Emperor of the South Jin Kingdom had stayed in Capital Cheng while the Crown Prince personally led the troops into the Wilderness. The troop had suffered great losses in the previous battle. Several powerhouses from the Sword Garret had either been injured or killed while the Great Divine Priest of Revelation had been severely injured. However, the true strength of the forces was not greatly affected.

There were also many Haotian Taoism visiting professors like those from the Black Ink Garden of the Great River Kingdom who chose to wait silently.

The Great Divine Priest of Judgment, Ye Hongyu who was waiting in the blood-colored chariot had not yet made any moves today. In a battle several days earlier, she had killed three leading Desolate warriors and exhibited her terrifying true cultivation state. It was important to note that the leaders of the Desolate warriors were close to the Peak state of Martial Arts.