
The Headmaster's Story (Part 1)

The large ship docked at a harbor south of the Great River Kingdom. The black horse carriage sped across the land silently. It had been more than 70 days since they left the Wilderness. The Great River Kingdom, which was in the south had already heard news of the war in the Wilderness.

After the black horse carriage left the Wilderness, the West-Hill Divine Palace coalition army suddenly attacked the Tang army. However, the Tang army had long been prepared for this. The Northern Military Camp cavalry left Helan City, ambushing the coalition army.

The flames of war continued on the Wilderness. However, the war this time had nothing to do with The Desolate. The war continued for dozens of days until the Tang army, which was at an obvious disadvantage considering their numbers, finally gained victory under the command of His Majesty, Li Zhongyi.