
Battle in Capital Cheng (II)

The archway at the corner of the street suddenly collapsed.

Then, the buildings next to it successively collapsed, stirring dust and smoke. Countless bricks and woods piled up like a small mountain, blocking Long Street.

The grassland cavalry head's anxious and panicked expression turned ferocious. Staring at the approaching army, he held his cutlass in his hand and stopped retreating.

The countless grassland cavalry stopped retreating.

All of a sudden, more heel ropes were set up on the chaotic street, entangling the horseshoes of Tang's armored cavalry.

The horses heavily fell down on the hard ground, making a dull sound. Many soldiers were hurt.

More soldiers of Yan showed up on the buildings on both sides of the street and began shooting at the Tang army. The arrows raged like a rainstorm and caused massive destruction.