
The Rainy Night at Xiao Mountain, Red Waters in the Clear River

Wang Jinglue poured the feet-washing water outside the tent, took a towel to wipe Xu Shi's feet and rubbed the calluses on the general's soles.

"According to my predictions, I fear that the imperial edict has reached the Southern Army by now. We snuck away and went against the laws of the Tang Empire. What if an accident happens?"

"I didn't leave with the whole army. These more than a hundred guards are private guards that His Majesty gifted to me back then. I only came to the mountains to recuperate from my illness. How is this violating the Tang military laws? Even if I have done so, is there anyone who would dare punish me?"

"Alright, alright. Just forget what I've said. Why is your temper getting worse?"

Wang Jinglue said slightly testily.