
Long Live Her Majesty

The further the Empress walked into the grassland, she noticed how the land became mushier, and herself sinking deeper in the mud.

She was taking quicker steps, going faster and faster. Her feet were going up and down on the soft mud so quickly that people could barely see her clearly. All they could see was the shadow she had left behind.

The cool breeze of autumn was blowing on her face, whistling and making her hair ruffle. The hem of her dress now became as hard as iron.

That was the time when the cavalries of the Golden Palace emerged from the astonishment of seeing the Empress jumping off the wall. They tried their best to pull their bowstrings, shooting sharp arrows away.

The arrows arrived like a shower. With accurate prediction, all the arrows were aimed at the spot the Empress would step on.

The Empress's lips curled, and with a smile, she kept moving forward.

Sharp arrows landed on her heavily.