
I Have Been to the City of Wei

The goal was not the only similarity between them. They also cultivated the same Taoism.

The Queen had read many files on Ning Que multiple times in order to find his weakness because he killed her only elder brother, Xia Hou. The relationship between them was very complicated and subtle.

Returning to Helan City, they were still stuck in this state of mind until he entered the quiet room of the attic and saw the gray coffin.

The coffin was very large and was made of dozens of pine trees from the Tianqi Mountain cliff.

Compared with the high status of the person lying in the coffin, it looked primitive and crude, as the bark of the pine trees had not been peeled off.

After a long silence, Ning Que walked over to the pine coffin, knelt down, and kowtowed.

The Queen calmly said, "Ever since you first met each other, you never got used to kowtowing to him. Now he is dead and will never see it."