
Shangguan Yangyu

It was deep in the night. Many shadows flew, jumped, and climbed over the wall, sneaking into the garden.

He Mingchi had met plenty of loyal subordinates in the South School of Haotian and the Imperial Center Administration in these years. These cultivators, who hated to be neglected or overlooked, were small in number but fearsome in power.

Li Huiyuan became so angry after the assassination that he gave his ID token of the Imperial Center Administration to He Mingchi, and told him to do it boldly. Ten more officials fell over a pool of their own blood that night, and even more innocent common people died from the rioting.

Those officials and soldiers sent to watch the Qing He County Guild by the government also were confounded by the riot. They didn't even notice that some of the Qinghe County warlords' children had taken the advantage of this and sneaked out of the Guild.