
The Best of the Best (Part I)

The outcome of the fight in the Verdant Canyon had already been doomed. The sound of Chinese zithers and bamboo flutes had vanished. And no one was able to resist the charge of tens of thousands of cavalries; not Jun Mo, even if he hadn't been injured; not Liu Bai, even if he would be willing to change his flag now.

The Academy could only draw back into the Verdant Canyon for temporary shelter, but the West-Hill Palace had already prepared for this.

Since the result had already been settled, Ye Hongyu cared no more about what was happening in the Verdant Canyon. She walked to the divine chariot slowly and peacefully, and her steps were firm though she was injured.

She still had a long way to go before she could catch up with the cultivation state of Jun Mo's, but she was good at fighting. And the key point was that she was calm, and she did not restrict the fight to just between the both of them out of pride.