
A Vastness of Yellow Sand, a Game Round

For these two days, there were always two people who showed up one after another on the sea islands, down at the foothill of Tile Mountain, in the small towns, in the cities and amid the green curtains of tall crops. All in all, they showed up in many places around the world.

The former one was dressed in a cotton jacket and while the latter wore an indigo Taoist robe.

This was a fight far above the Five States, it was a chase between Limitless State cultivators.

Though both being of the Limitless State, they still held some difference within this realm.

Due to the fact that the Academy had already made some arrangements in advance, Eldest Brother had consequently strived for some time successfully while being in front of Verdant Canyon today. But he knew that the time which he had won would certainly be extremely transient. That was the exact reason why he had to get off in a hurry.