
Sword Competition in the Verdant Canyon (Part 1)

The carriage stopped in front of the Verdant Canyon.

It could not have come, but it did.

It meant the man in the carriage might not come, or his sword might not come—because his sword could kill a person from thousands of kilometers away.

The man in the carriage was Liu Bai.

He was recognized as the strongest man in the cultivation world as well as the Sword Sage. He was so strong that even the Unworldly Sublime Beings from the Unknown Places could not beat him.

Especially when he drew out his sword, a 30 centimeter circle surrounding him was his zone. Even the Abbey Dean of the Zhishou Abbey and Eldest Brother could not enter.

Many people, including the Second Brother, believed that with his talent if he wanted, he could step over the Five States. However, he was never willing to.

Liu Bai's voice floated out of the carriage.

"Do you need a break?"