
How Beautiful the Green Hills Are

There were footsteps behind Jun Mo.

Other than Fourth Brother who was holding the River and Mountain Sandbox, everyone else from the Academy rushed out from under the iron shelter.

Sixth Brother raised his hammer, staring warily at Liu Bai who was more than 100 feet away.

Beigong Weiyang and Ximen Buhuo held their zither and flute, standing on both sides of Jun Mo.

They all knew that even though Liu Bai was badly injured, as long as he waved his sword, they would die should they leave the iron shelter. However, they had all rushed over here despite that.

Because Second Brother needed them.

Wang Chi held his medicine box and made preparations with a pale face.

Mu You held her needle, about to staunch the blood flowing from Jun Mo. However, her hands were trembling too badly. She looked at his broken limb and felt as if it was her own arm that had been cut off. She felt a terrible pain.