
Full Devotion Because of Sadness

The Abbey Dean entered Chang'an.

Faced with the most powerful people of the Academy and Huang Yang, he extinguished the essential blood fire on the Buddha Beads with just one glance, and he waved his sleeves to break the Divine Demon Realm. He waved and the Haotian Initiation fell on him immediately; with one single stroke of the sword, he had crushed the millennial city wall.

Alongside the streets there was nothing but ruins. In the sky, there were snowflakes burning. Raindrops kept falling. All these could only prove one thing: how powerful he was.

The cultivation in this world had five states, and to go beyond the Five State was what most people could only dream of. In all ages, cultivators reaching beyond the Five States were less than rare. Attaining one of the Five States was enough for being a qualified as a legend, such as the Haotian Initiation State.