
Unacceptance of the Noble Kingdom (Part 3)

Ning Que lowered his head, standing on the snowy street. Blood incessantly flowed from the holes in his fingers and was frozen, to be then flushed apart by fresh blood, making him look truly miserable.

He held the array eye pestle in one hand and the hilt of his blade in the other. However, he could not write a single talisman, nor did he have the strength to wave his blade. If the podao had not been supporting his weight, he might have collapsed in a second.

He did not look at the Abbey Dean's eyes because he might die if they made eye contact. He could only look at the Abbey Dean's legs, in the lowliest way.

He was covered in blood; his own, but mostly belonging to the ordinary people who had died in the hands of the Abbey Dean earlier. He felt that this blood was even hotter than his own.

His blood was heated as their blood splashed onto him. However, what saddened him was that his body and his heart were both cold.