
Negotiations Do Not Have to Mean War

Negotiation was a battle and to raise conditions first was tantamount to being the first to draw one's sword.

Ning Que and Ye Hongyu were both well-versed in battling. They both knew that the person who raised conditions first would get the upper hand in this battle. As such, they both felt that they should be the first to put conditions forward.

"This is Chang'an, I should have home advantage," Ning Que said.

Ye Hongyu looked at him quietly and said, "The Tang Empire is in a dangerous situation right now. The Golden Palace's cavalry and the Divine Hall's Coalition Army are both still on your land."

Ning Que answered, "This might be a little troublesome, but is not the crux of the matter. Both the Abbey Dean and the Hierarch are crippled, and I heard that your brother is in a similar condition. I don't understand how you can feel so emboldened."