
The White Flag in the Rain

The Night Hall was very silent and the candlestick within it swayed lightly. Ning Que looked into the Empress' eyes and said, "Shame will bring courage and anger. If this anger can be released, then what has been left will be courage. You said it and I quote, Your Majesty. What we need to consider now is who would bear the Tang's anger."

The Empress did not answer.

Ning Que continued, "Ceding the Xiangwan Plain, and the the war-horses issue will be settled by the Academy."

The Empress shook her head and said, "No matter how strong the Academy is, it cannot create something from nothing."

Ning Que replied, "Everything I lost, I will take back."

The Empress did not understand why he was so confident, but in the end, she was convinced by his determination. After a moment of consideration, she said with a grave expression, "Since this is so, I will sign it."