
The Man of the Show

Her cherry-red lips were now pale. She seemed exhausted, but no one would have thought she was weak. Just like her sword that lay motionless at her side, her actions had already said a thousand words.

The previous short battle had shocked everyone. They stared at the blood-red Sacred Sedan of Judgement. Silence stretched over Peach Mountain.

Ye Hongyu's swordsmanship in battle was very different from the elegant Taoist style that the people were expecting. It was cold and ruthless. Her performance in this battle had been chilling.

Among the Divine Priests of the South Sea, the willowy man's skills were second only to those of Zhao Nanhai. The West-Hill Divine Skill he demonstrated in battle was intricate and mysterious. Even if he was unable to rival the legendary Wei Guangming, he was definitely better than Ye Hongyu.