
First of the Three Petty Things

Behind the veil, the Hierarch kept quiet. His broken palm was already restored by Haotian. But the shoulder that was injured by one of Ning Quo's Thirteen Primordial Arrows was not as lucky. As He Mingchi just said, there were more and more things they could not be understood in the Divine Halls of West Hill, including the recent silence in the Divine Hall of Judgment.

After the Rite to Light, many people, especially those descendants of the former Divine Priest of Light from the South Sea, questioned Ye Hongyu, the Divine Priest of Judgment, for her behavior during the ceremony. However, due to her honorable position, even the Hierarch could not penalize her without any solid evidence.  

Yet, what He Mingchi just said had put him on alert, both because of something that happened years ago and her frequently looking into the Divine Hall of Light.