
The Days in the Divine Hall of Light (Part Ⅱ)

Ning Que said he had a very hot body in a humorous way, which sounded like a poor poem written by a young and inexperienced poet.

Sangsang didn't feel joy and said in a cold voice, "No need."

Taking the answer as she was just being polite or pretended to be polite, Ning Que moved a little to the bed immodestly, with his hand falling on the bedding.

Sangsang stared at him and her bright eyes had no emotions, not even hatred.

Ning Que turned pale instantly and began to cough.

Once the coughing began, it was difficult to stop. He coughed violently and curled up painfully, and his blood dripped to the ground, like scarlet plum blossom.

His chest was so painful that it felt like he was being pierced by a burning knife. He was worried that he would bleed to death or cough out his heart and liver.

Sangsang revealed no emotions on her face.