
Splash-Ink and Dirty Clouds

The cursive on the clouds was quite messy and full of murderous intent. Countless thin traces appeared on the sky upon the arrival of the Yi Talisman and the cursive suddenly became scattered.

Ning Que's method was indeed magical. Seeing this, the Sage of Calligraphy admired Yan Se's sharp eyes for discovering talents. However, he was too proud to admit that he admired Ning Que, who happened to be the talent that Yan Se discovered.

The Sage of Calligraphy gave a loud shout, then chilly winter winds suddenly blasted, drawing more clouds. The sunlight behind the clouds was blocked completely, making the palace quieter.

The clouds were very strange. While lacking in number, they were just white clouds floating in the clear blue sky. While increasing in number and overlapping each other, their colors became darker and darker.