
I Am Not Among All Living Creatures

Due to the spring rain, pure and fresh air enveloped the ancient temple. The huge stones that fell from the cliff and crushed the back temple into ruins gave an impression of dilapidation, even desolating the drizzle.

Monk Guan Hai dared not let other monks of the temple accompany Ning Que and Sangsang due to Sangsang's identity. While he strolled in the rain with the young couple and approached the Sounds of Heaven Palace, a monk rushed to them and cried out.

"The cavalrymen of the Divine Hall have reached the town by the bottom of the hill."

The monk was a little pale, for he didn't even know what had happened. Why did the cavalrymen of the Divine Hall come to the Lanke Temple? What does Taoism want?

Monk Guan Hai guessed that the cavalrymen were related to Ning Que and Sangsang, but he guessed their intention wrong, so he was a little solemn and nervous.

Ning Que said, "Don't worry. They won't come in here."