

In times like this, smart girls would keep quiet and lower their heads shyly, and smarter girls probably would snuggle into their lover's arms. Only the girls who were too clever would ask her lover which one was more beautiful: her or the flower?

Sangsang would never ask such a question or snuggle into Ning Que's arms shyly. She seemed to have heard nothing and walked directly to the other end of the cliff yard.

Ning Que felt a little disappointed, but he became satisfied and happy after noticing that the flower in her hair was trembling in the breeze and she had no intention to take it off.

"Have you seen my Second Brother?" pushing aside the dense green vines, he caught up with Sangsang and asked. In his opinion, his Second Brother should be cultivating the Buddha Dharma on the summit or in the Commandment Hall. So he assumed that Sangsang had saw him while she was searching for Buddha.