
See through the Sky and Phra Pidta

Ning Que stood up and looked a little stunned. Then he spat out some blood. The wall was immediately covered with blood. The blood-stained meditation room originally had gray walls. The shadow was also covered with blood since it was on the wall.

The shadow put its hands together devoutly, as if it was joyful. Then it turned around and walked into the depths of the blood and gradually disappeared.

Seeing this, Ning Que suddenly felt very sad, for it seemed that he would never see the shadow again.

The shadow disappeared, and then the gray wall gradually disappeared. It turned out that the wall was fake. He looked back at the candle on the table, and the candle was fake too. He looked at the wooden door of the meditation room. It turned out that the door and the threshold were all fake.

Looking at the roof of the meditation room, his eyes passed through the beams to look at the gray sky.