
Kill At Sight

Ning Que smiled because he knew she was describing his feelings. It was even better that she also vocally stated her affection, so he felt happy.

He hunted the wild boar by the side of the lake and built a fire. The meat on the fire roasted and sizzled. The oil gradually dried out, and the smell of meat dispersed. They ate their fill and went to rest.

Ning Que thought of what Sangsang had said during the day and said, "Don't compare the Academy with Buddhism in the future. You can say anything about the Academy, but not this."

Sangsang lay on the ground that was warm due to the fire and asked, "Why not?"

Ning Que said, "Is the Academy that disgusting?"

Sangsang smiled and said, "Your master injected the power of the human world into my body, and then you took me to the world to transform me into a human. The Buddha injected the three poisons of greed, anger and foolishness into my body with the same purpose. So what's the difference between them?"